CharlestonJSJ now offers Young Living products

Just over a year ago I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils as a means to eliminate the pervasive household and personal chemicals contained in seemingly innocuous products. We had recently lost our sweet black lab, Tucker, in a very unexpected and mysterious way. He was at the University of Georgia for his second hip replacement surgery; happy to follow his doctor and staff into the back the night before the operation. They take super care of their charges and had given him a good dinner, evening walk and all was fine until they found him 45 minutes after their last check, collapsed in his cage. Their efforts to revive him were tragically unsuccessful and I watched my husband nearly follow Tucker to his grave as he heard this devastating news from the heartbroken vet. Long story short, we believe the pervasive chemicals that vulnerable dog paws are exposed to led to this premature death.I've looked into Essential Oils in the past and thought we were doing well with a healthy household full of love and lots of Jin Shin Jyutsu positive energy until we watched the movie "Stink" on Netflix. It became apparent we need to take better control of our purchases and knowing Young Living's Seed to Seal commitment transparently discloses ALL ingredients in all products made it a natural fit.Since signing up as a Distributor (because, hey, so little commitment for products at a discounted rate!), we've incorporated the Thieves cleaning line into our environment as well as the Essential Oils into our home and office for an added boost to the wonderful Jin Shin Jyutsu effects.Contact John or me for more information, or simply click here to get started with these wonderful products.