JSJ for Animals


Since my last post welcoming John, my focus has shifted a bit to animal Jin Shin Jyutsu. Along with John, I'm now a certified Animal JSJ Practitioner after completing 3 animal classes in Asheville, NC and Destin, FL. As an avid dog lover, I've applied Jin Shin Jyutsu to my dogs sporadically all these years. It wasn't until I went to my first Animal class with Adele Leas that I truly fell in love with this aspect of the art. The light bulb really went on in seeing the difference it makes to be centered, calm and at peace when sharing this art with animals. Being a "do-er" does not go well with animals! They see your busy mind wandering and they'll just get up and leave! JSJ helped me "BE" with my human clients and now it feels like an even deeper practice to BE with animal clients.Our best teacher was our black lab/Great Dane mix, Tucker. He just loved John giving him JSJ sessions just about every night before bed. Sadly, this sweet 9-ish year old guy died unexpectedly in March and it rocked our world. We not only lost our favorite JSJ recipient, but one of the sagest, sweetest dogs ever. We believe he "dropped his bones" so suddenly to relieve us of having to make any tough health decisions. I also believe he was at the peak of his time on this planet and wanted to create an opportunity for another hardship orphan to be rescued into our pack. Stay tuned as that story unfolds on these pages....