
Like many others, initially John was skeptical about the impact of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Just over 3 years later, he became a qualified and gifted practitioner for both individuals and their 4-legged family members. JSJ often captures those who least expect it! Probably the biggest impetus for John’s passion for the Art came when JSJ markedly helped him prepare for and recover from bi-lateral hip replacement surgery. Just before the surgery he attended his first 5-day class where he (along with all the other students) received sessions each day. That preparation, along with immediate sessions in the hospital and afterwards, contributed to a remarkably fast recovery.

He continued taking classes, including “Jin Shin Jyutsu for your Animal Companion,” which completely enthralled him. It’s hard to find a bigger animal lover than John and working with the rescued dogs and horses during this class gave him the tools to assist these creatures in ways unknown to most. He’s made a major impact on the pets and their families lucky enough to enlist his help.

Liv JSJ is pleased to have John in the practice as we continue to expand the awareness of Jin Shin Jyutsu for humans and their pets throughout the Lowcountry!
