“The only source of knowledge is experience.” – Albert Einstein

As a retired Navy officer and software professional with a Master’s degree in Operations Research, practicing and teaching a Japanese healing art may seem fairly random. Rather than counter to my professional background, the philosophy of Jin Shin Jyutsu is universal as the path to success: expect harmony and you’ll find it. In the physiological aspect, by simply applying “jumper cables” (hands), actual, concrete results toward increased harmony occur; nothing else introduced, yet the body, mind or outlook change. Powerful. Fascinating. Simple to apply immediately, challenging enough for a lifetime study.

In this particular eastern energy work, the practitioner is merely the facilitator of the receiver’s body healing itself, so I’m not a “healer” and am not responsible for the changes I’ve witnessed. This Art is a great reminder we are not human “DOings,” we’re human “BEings.” By BEing present and applying the holds as outlined in the texts created by Jiro Murai and Mary Burmeister, I’ve experienced the gamut of miracles, from staving off cold symptoms, relief of shoulder and back tensions to lessening the side effects of chemo & radiation. A month of Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions may have even contributed to remission of Stage 3 esophageal cancer. My scientific mind continues to question how such simple hand-holds can so powerfully harmonize body, mind and spirit; yet, each time I practice on myself or share the Art with others, I am reminded it’s not my mind that has anything to do with it. It IS the Art of the Creator, and my job is to simply facilitate that Art.

While living in Hawaii, my study of JSJ began in 1999 when a friend helped someone stop the throbbing of a deep cut on the hand. By simply holding his pinky and elbow for about 5 minutes, the throbbing stopped. From there began my fascination and study. I became that friend’s protégé and assisted with her clients on Saturdays. At that time, I was a complete “Type A” Navy officer and sitting still for an hour to practice with clients was a deep challenge. My own ability to become fully present as a result of learning and practicing this Art validated Mary Burmeister’s guidance, “Be your own testimony.” When my mentor left the islands, her clients turned to me and from there my practice was born – as both a part-time practice while still working, and a full-time practice when I retired from the Navy. I’ve had the honor of sharing this Art with dozens of clients through individual sessions and self-help classes. Attending an average of one formal class a year satisfies my continuing thirst for more knowledge, yet the answers always come through practice.


One of the most common questions I’m asked is how Jin Shin Jyutsu differs from other energy or body work. The most fundamental is the roots of this practice go back thousands of years. In Jiro Murai’s search, he visited temples and ancient libraries and observed people. It was the rediscovery of an ancient tradition or art that originally came from India and became lost through the demise of those with the wisdom to orally pass it down. He collected and reorganized it and named it as what we know as Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ). I find solid footing in the historical foundation coupled with the scientific validation Jiro Murai and Mary Burmeister performed for the western mind. Another difference is there are absolutely no risks with JSJ whereas other modalities may caution against practicing if pregnant, etc. Jin Shin Jyutsu is a harmonizing Art. It can be practiced on anyone at any time by anyone. As a matter of fact, each client receives “homework” to apply self-help and continue the harmonizing. Many are compelled to share that self-help with others and from there many Jin Shin Jyutsu students are born.

In 2011, family illness brought me back to the mainland and we had many years of sharing this Art with individuals and animals in the Charleston lowcountry. We are excited to introduce the Art in Aiken, SC in late 2021!

A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.
— Jackie Robinson