Join Adele Leas for an Intro to JSJ for Animals course

Deep inside, you have always known you could help your animals to feel harmony, health and balance. You’ve known you could have the deep bond with them you have always dreamed of. Here is a powerful, proven, accessible and fun way to “BE” all that!


Let’s face it, for most of us this has not been the year we wished for… but that does not mean it cannot bring great good! For years Adele had thought about making on-line classes so folks could study in their own time and share Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion with their beloved 4-legged family in the comfort of their homes. But she was busy teaching in-person classes on 4 different continents and just kept putting off the dreaded computer. Enter the world-wide lock down and here we are! She has used this time to share with hundreds of students around the world, enjoying loads of kitties walking across the keyboards!

Beginning September 18, 2021, she is kicking off the first 5-week Introduction to Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion, an in-depth class on the Teachable platform, based on my book of the same name.

The course begins with a zoom kickoff before the first online materials are released the following week.  

The online Teachable platform allows you to work at your own pace over the 5 weeks as new videos, printable study guides and other material are released several times each week. In addition to the kickoff zoom session, there will be 3 other zoom gatherings to practice material, answer questions and connect as a community. Schedule conflicts? Each zoom call will be recorded and uploaded to Teachable where you'll have indefinite access to these sessions as well as all course material. Price: $450.

What makes this special, you might ask?

* We will use Adele’s Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion book as the guide for our study, referencing Mary Burmeister’s Self Help books 1 and 2, giving you a deep and lasting grounding in the work.
* TEACHABLE lets you watch classes and practice at your own pace, with new video content announced in your email every Tues and Thurs.
* We will have 4 live zoom classes besides all the recordings to answer your questions and be able to practice together.
*    Students who are completely new to the work, as well as returning students of both JSJ and animal work are welcome. The work will meet you at your level.
*    Once you enroll in this class, there is no expiration to your access to the recordings, study guides, zoom recordings and comment discussions.
*    We will continue to build a community of JSJ & animal-loving folks, changing the world for domesticated animals around the world.


Jude Byrnes