It's been a moment

or several since the last post. The pandemic definitely impacted our Jin Shin Jyutsu practice - in both challenging and good ways. Thankfully we had closed our physical office in Feb 2020 just before the start of quarantine. We were seeing our regular clients in our home office until it wasn’t safe to do so. I was also teaching online self-help classes before Zoom became a household term! Then we were blessed with fostering a momma dog and her litter of 2 feisty pups for 12 weeks. Nice distraction we documented on our Facebook page. We WERE able to volunteer at a local animal shelter here in the Charleston area, so our focus on animal JSJ expanded. As part of that, we were able to teach some online Animal Jin Shin Jyutsu practice classes which led to our certification as Animal Jin Shin Jyutsu Faculty. We still love the human practice - especially the power of self-help and this growth of our Jin Shin Jyutsu for Animal Companions has been so rewarding. We volunteer at Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary where John has just been invited to join the Board of Directors. More on that in another post!

To say the last year and a half has “gone to the dogs” is a literal truth for LivJSJ! To quote our mentor, friend and founder of this aspect of the Art, Adele Leas, just BE with the BEings. It’s profound, simple and deeply rewarding.

Jude Byrnes