Harmonize with color

Are you drawn to certain colors? This may be an indication of either resonating with or needing more harmony in a "depth" associated with that color. In Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ), there are 7 primary depths (9 total) that make up the body. Each depth rules a day of the week, so the color of that depth can be harmonized by selecting it from your wardrobe. Actually, my closet is organized by color so I can easily select that day's outfit! What can I say? I like the order within the Art of JSJ!! Notice your own choices of colors and see if they correlate with the days. Try wearing the color of the day and see if you feel more grounded. Be your own testimony. It's a fun study!

  • Sunday - all inclusive/light - 7th depth

  • Monday - pure luminous ruby red (pink, purple, or maroon are practical for this color) - 6th depth

  • Tuesday - red - 5th depth

  • Wednesday - blue/black - 4th depth

  • Thursday - green - 3rd depth

  • Friday - white - 2nd depth

  • Saturday - yellow - 1st depth

UncategorizedJudith Godwin